Sunday, September 28, 2014

Types of Plagiarism

Now,we will continue about plagiarism topic.

In ELC class this week, we are learned about types of plagiarism happen among students life. Actually,this plagiarism happen in student life consciously or not. They take easy ways to complete their assignment without hardworking. They want highest marks in assignment than their friends.

There are types of plagiarism in student life.

1) Total copying

This action are full copying the whole text such as essay without credit to the original's writer. They not change any single words and copying actually words.They claim this work are their work totally. This action are extremely plagiarism and illegal.

2) Major copying

This action are copying one paragraph or one part of text such as article or essay to their work. This action are really happen in student life and not change of word. Their think this action are not illegal.

3) Substituting words

This action are copying the text without changes original structure of text. They only change the words by substitution word with other word and phrases.

4) Patching copying

This is most plagiarism happen among student. Student copying from several text and essay and combine with another text from another source without credit to original's writer. No changes in copying text.

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